Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Waiting to start Miracle Mineral Solution [MMS] for herpes cure?

I have received my MMS [miracle mineral solution] . Looking all over to find citric acid drops to mix in with the MMS which makes a solution that is said to wipe out the herpes virus from your body completely. I am doubting that this detoxification process will even work. The detox will last about 6 months i believe. They say to mix 1 drop of MMS with 5 drops of Citric Acid and wait 3 minutes . The two solutions perform a chemical reaction which turns it into sodium chloride i believe? Correct me if I'm wrong.  Then you must add 2/3 cup of water and drink it down. Do this 5 times for 5 hours back to back. Do this for a week and then next week up the amount of drops to 2 drops MMS and 10 drops citric acid. You keep going with this process until you've reached 15 drops of MMS  ,75 drops citric acid. You must be able take this dose of MMS w/ CITRIC ACID for about 3-4 weeks without any vomiting, diarreah  or nausea. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you must lower the dose to something you can handle. I am very excited to try this. Apparently it cleans the blood and destroys any kind of bacteria or diseases you may have or have contracted.  I guess it's pretty much poisoning you slowly just like chemotherapy does to kill the cancer. I've also heard taking this is a cure for cancer. If anyone has tried this please let me know how it turned out for you. Thank you.

HSV-1 or HSV-2? DMSO is the only answer for the time being!!

My last post was to inform people with hsv-1 how they can prevent an outbreak and it really does work. The cheapest and easiest solution there is today . DMSO. Dimethyl- sulfoxide. Comes in a cream, a liquid and a gel. I do not recommend using industrial grade DMSO. Use the DMSO you find at a health food store. DMSO is currently not available in Canada, but you can order all kinds of it from Ebay and other online stores. It will most likely come in a form of 70% DMSO  mixed with 30% aloe vera. This is what you want! The protocol for hsv-1 will work just as well for hsv2. I only experience outbreaks on my lips, but from what i've read the protocol also works to prevent genital herpes before they even start. If you feel an outbreak coming then obviously you would apply the DMSO cream to the affected area where you would have an outbreak . You will also apply a thin layer on your back at the base of your spine. I recommend the cream or gel base for skin application and the liquid for lip application. The liquid will irritate the skin and it will burn. The gel and cream do not burn for me. Ive been using this DMSO protocol for the last 5 years and ive only gotten cold sores when i forget to use the DMSO or i get a tingling while im sleeping. Which you obviously wont feel. If you already have a full blown sore and your using the DMSO you will most likely cut the time in half, but if you catch it right away at its first tingle. You wont have to worry about it even popping up. Before i used the DMSO  i was getting outbreaks every week or every second week. It sure was embarassing and my self confidence was at an all time low.Since ive found out about DMSO . Ive been happier than a pig in shit. Please try this and comment on how this worked for you.

Has anyone tried the DMSO protocol to avoid a herpes outbreak?

If you experience the tingling  or burning sensation that means a cold sore is on its way you must immediately use the DMSO cream and DMSO liquid. In order to stop the virus to must catch it at its first tingle. At this point i would recommend using the DMSO roll on with aloe vera on and around your lip area. You will use the DMSO cream on the back of your neck. You should apply a thin layer on the back of your neck.  You must repeat this for 5 hours in a row. Once an hour, for 5 hours in a row. The virus like to replicate itself very quickly and if you keep on HARD with the DMSO you will not experience an outbreak. I always recommend if your someone who gets cold sores rather frequently then you should always use the DMSO once in the morning and once before bed. Its hard to use DMSO when your sleeping so using it before bed is a good idea. Only follow the protocol fully with the 5 hour back to back treatment if you feel a tingling and you know your about to experience an outbreak.  Please try this method. Its the cheapest easiest way to fight off a very embarassing problem that most of us have. I would like to help people with the same problem as I. Its embarassing. I intend to bring a little bit of peace to people by letting them know there is hope :)